I know just how stressful it can be for both pet and owner to visit a conventional veterinary practice, not only undertaking the journey but also in the waiting room. Examining your pet in their home environment decreases their stress levels, makes them less nervous and they feel more comfortable and this in turn makes it easier to handle and examine your pet. There is no longer the need to wrestle your cat into it’s carrier, and all I ask is that you keep them confined to a room for when I arrive!

I allow plenty of time between consults.  You can ask any questions you may have and don’t have to feel rushed. Traditional clinics often only schedule 10-15 minute appointments which means vets are often rushed trying to get through a busy waiting room.  If your pet needs a blood pressure check or a blood test this can be carried out at home so your pet can feel at ease.  Even minor procedures can be carried out at home under sedation if appropriate.